Only the cheapest laptops keep an amount as small as 4GB, while when we hit the middle price ranges almost every laptop has 8GB of RAM. Although there have been periods where it has temporarily risen in price (in fact, right now it is not very cheap) we have seen how in less than a decade the 4GB and 6GB have gone from being a rule to an exception. In recent years, we have witnessed a great democratization of RAM. The decline in RAM prices over the years Although with certain increases in between, the price of RAM has fallen in recent years ( source ) Final words and conclusion: a laptop with 8GB of RAM may be enough, but buy 16 when you can.Remember that in the future it will always go further.

Is a laptop with 8GB of RAM too little?.What does the amount of RAM influence: does it make the PC faster?.The decline in RAM prices over the years.